
IOM Senegal Supports Returnee Income Generating Activities

Senegal - IOM Senegal this week (25-27/10) organized an income generation training for 25 returned migrants in collaboration with the Agence Nationale pour la Promotion de l’Emploi des Jeunes (ANPEJ) in Dakar, Senegal.

The participants all returned home from Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium and Germany under IOM assisted voluntary return and reintegration programmes. 

The training was developed by IOM as part of a project funded by the European Union and the Italian Ministry of Interior: Strengthening the Sustainability of Solutions for Reintegration of Returning Migrants Coming from the European Union to Morocco, Tunisia and Senegal.

“This training will help returnees develop income-generating activities as part of their reintegration into their communities of origin.  It is part of a series that includes seminars on entrepreneurship, technical training, particularly in agriculture, and personal development,” said IOM Senegal Chief of Mission Jo-Lind Roberts Séne.

For further information please contact Jo-Lind Roberts Séne at IOM Senegal, Tel: +221 3386975378, Email: