
IOM Senegal, Partners Mobilize Kédougou Border Community to Raise Awareness of Ebola

Senegal - In partnership with Kedougou local health authorities and the Senegalese Red Cross, IOM this week organised an Ebola awareness mobilization event in Dalaba. Dalaba is host to a large number of Guineans.

The event was part of a Japanese-funded IOM project launched in March 2015 to improve access to Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) prevention and reduce transmission among migrants and border communities in Guinea and at risk neighboring countries – Mali, Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire.

Local community leaders, Kedougou’s imams, women’s groups, youth associations and community health workers all took part in the event. Messages, communicated in the local languages of Malinke, Peul and Wolof, focused on the symptoms of EVD, transmission modes, and how to prevent EVD transmission.

Since the beginning of the Ebola outbreak, Senegal has had only one case, in August 2014. According to November 15th 2015 World Health Organization (WHO) data, Guinea, which borders Senegal and the Kedougou region, has had 3,804 cases since March 23rd 2014, including 2,536 deaths.

For further information, please contact Lassana Badio at IOM in Kedougou, Tel +221 77 645 66 97, Email: