
IOM Scales up Emergency Assistance for Afghan Returnees from Iran

IOM has received USD 2.8 million from the United Nations Central
Emergency Response Fund to scale up its emergency relief effort for
Afghan returnees from Iran.

IOM assistance will be provided mainly in the form of non-food
items distribution, emergency shelter and secondary transportation,
targeting a total of 5,000 particularly vulnerable Afghan families
that have been returned from Iran.

Depending on the individual situation and needs, beneficiaries will
receive essential items such as clothes, blankets, personal hygiene
kits, kitchen sets, seeds and agricultural tools as well as
emergency shelter construction materials.

IOM has so far established a semi-permanent presence in Nimroz and
Farah provinces and is working closely with Department of Refugees
and Repatriation and the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) in order to promptly establish a transport system
for returnee families in need of assistance.

IOM's Chief of Mission Fernando Arocena says: "We are doing our
best to speed up the procurement process to meet the needs of
vulnerable families. So far we have been hampered by a lack of
resources but this new funding will allow us to start the aid
distribution by mid July."

Since 21 April, more than 130,000 undocumented Afghan labour
migrants and their families have been returned from Iran to
Afghanistan. The Afghan Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation has
reported that many of the families remain stranded on the border
region under vulnerable conditions without proper living
facilities, adequate food and drinking water or means to travel to
their final destinations.

Recognizing the huge strain this massive influx of migrants is
placing on the Afghan government, President Karzai requested
international assistance in May. IOM responded immediately by
conducting joint assessment missions and providing the returnees
with tents, blankets and medical assistance, in close coordination
with the government and UN implementing partners.

For further information, please contact

Fernando Arocena

IOM Kabul

Tel: + 93 (0) 700 251 255

Email: "">


Katsui Kaya

Tel: +93 (0) 700 185 96

Email: "">