
IOM Rome, UISG Continue Cooperation in Fight against Human Trafficking

The IOM Mission in Rome and the International Union of Superiors
General (UISG by its Italian acronym) are this week starting a new
phase of their joint programme: "Counter-Trafficking Training for
Religious Personnel".

Since 2004, IOM and UISG, with funding from the US Department of
State - Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), have
provided training on prevention and assistance to victims of human
trafficking to more than 450 religious personnel in 31 countries in
Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America.

As part of the latest agreement, IOM and UISG will carry out
training for religious personnel in Senegal, and will hold a
conference aimed at strengthening the network of personnel and
congregations already trained by the project.  The conference,
scheduled for June, is a follow-up to the one held last year in
Rome where 50 religious women from 20 countries gathered to create
an international network of Catholic nuns working with victims of

"The joint IOM/UISG work is witness to the benefit of good
cooperation between lay and religious organizations in the fight
against human trafficking," explains Peter Schatzer, IOM Regional
Representative in Rome.  "With estimates ranging between
600,000 to four million people being trafficked each year across
international borders, human trafficking is a complex problem. This
project provides a strategic and methodical approach to the
precious work already being carried out by religious personnel
around the world."

Stefano Volpicelli, IOM Project Manager adds: "The Sisters make
an invaluable contribution in the assistance provided to
victims.  We have found that spirituality can speed up the
process of healing and self-empowerment, which boosts the effects
of the psychosocial assistance provided."

Based on the success of this programme, IOM is developing
similar projects with other religious denominations, including
Muslim religious leaders. 

IOM offices in Rome and Tripoli, in cooperation with the World
Islamic Call Society, held a seminar in Libya to discuss ways to
capitalize on the important role Imams can play in preventing human
trafficking and providing assistance to vulnerable migrants.

The IOM/UISG agreement was signed in Rome by IOM's Regional
Representative for the Mediterranean countries Peter Schatzer, and
UISG's General Secretary Maria Victoria Gonzales de

For further information, please contact:

Flavio Di Giacomo

IOM Rome

Tel: + 39 06 44 186 207

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