
IOM Resettles Refugee Families from Sudan to Italy

Sudan - IOM this week resettled 12 refugee families (48 people) from Sudan to Italy as part of the first movements from Sudan to Italy under the Italian refugee resettlement quota system adopted in 2015.

The Eritrean families travelled from Khartoum to Rome on commercial flights on 26 and 28 July. Prior to their departure, IOM Sudan conducted health assessments and prepared the refugees for their resettlement and integration in Italy.

The health assessments required by the Italian government included physical examinations, chest radiology and laboratory checks to identify individual health needs, and to allow for treatment or in some cases follow up in Italy if necessary.

The assessments also ensured that all the refugees’ health-related travel, housing, and schooling needs were identified and shared with the Italian authorities prior to resettlement.

“We have waited years to start a new life in Italy, where my children can have a better future and fulfil our ambitions for a good education in a safe environment,” said Letebirhan, a wife and mother of two daughters and three sons.

IOM Sudan, with help from IOM Rome, also provided two three-day cultural orientation sessions on Italy. The workshops introduced the refugees to Italian geography, food, politics, climate and culture.

It also provided customized information on protection and the help that each family would get under Italy’s national refugee resettlement programme to facilitate their integration.

The Italian government sees the resettlement programme as a way to share responsibility for refugees with the government of Sudan. It offers a durable solution for refugees by providing them with new lives and opportunities as Italian citizens.

Sudan has hosted large numbers of refugees for over four decades. Since 2005, IOM Sudan has helped over 20,000 non-Sudanese refugees resettle in 19 different locations, including North America, Europe and the Pacific.

The top five countries resettlement countries have been Canada, the US, Australia, Sweden and Norway in that order. Together they account for over 85 percent of the refugees resettled from Sudan.

For further information, please contact Norberto Celestino at IOM Sudan, Tel: +249922406618, Email: