
IOM, RedTraSex Strengthen LAC Sex Workers’ Network to Combat HIV/AIDS

Argentina - The IOM mission in Argentina and RedTraSex (Latin American and Caribbean Female Sex Workers’ Network) have launched the second phase of a project aimed at reducing vulnerability to HIV/AIDS among sex workers in the region.

The first phase of the project, which began in 2012, assisted some 10,000 members of RedTraSex to increase their representation at the political level by supporting their participation at local and regional fora where public policies directly impacting sex workers were debated.

Stigma, discrimination and lack of recognition of their human rights are some of the adversities facing RedTraSex members.  For example, in several LAC countries HIV testing is mandatory, but is not free or confidential, and a positive sample may result in a prison sentence.

Elena Reynaga, Executive Secretary of RedTraSex said: “Our slogan is: ‘Sex workers are not part of the problem, we are part of the solution.’ We are joining the fight against HIV/AIDS. Our message is clear. We believe that the best way to stop transmission of the virus is firstly by having an integrated approach that includes physical and mental health, and secondly to find ways to empower our members.”

The project, funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, aims to promote HIV/AIDS prevention through capacity building for national organizations of female sex workers in the 14 countries that are part of RedTraSex (Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Chile.)

This latest phase of the project will deepen the scope of the objectives and will include three new countries (Uruguay, Mexico and Belize). The project is coordinated by the IOM mission in Argentina with support from IOM offices in all participating countries. 

For more information on RedTraSex, please go to:

For other information, please contact

Mariana Beheran
IOM Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 4815-1035/4811-9148/4813-9714