
IOM Provides Reception Assistance to Persons Arriving in Slovenia under EU Relocation Agreement

Slovenia – On 11 October 2016 a group of persons seeking international protection arrived from Italy to Slovenia under the EU relocation agreement. In total 8 persons from Eritrea arrived at the Asylum Home in Ljubljana. The group was welcomed by representatives of IOM Slovenia, the Asylum Home and the Ministry of the Interior. The following day their applications for international protection were submitted. So far 83 persons seeking international protection arrived to Slovenia with IOM’s assistance as part of the relocation programme. Among those, 23 were nationals of Eritrea relocated from Italy and 60 were relocated from Greece, of which 43 were from Syria and 17 from Iraq.

In the pre-departure phase IOM conducts health assessments to ensure that beneficiaries travel in safety. Furthermore, the mission organizes one-day pre-departure and cultural orientation sessions, providing information in a language the beneficiaries understand, on their rights and obligations, on what to expect when they arrive, as well as pre-embarkation information. IOM also carries out a pre-embarkation fitness for travel check a few hours before departure and provides assistance during boarding. IOM representatives accompany individuals or groups of beneficiaries through their transit points and/or final destinations.

For more information, contact IOM Slovenia, Tel. +386 14347351, Email