
IOM Provides Humanitarian Aid to Families Affected by Floods in Northern Chile

In response to the emergency caused by flooding that affected the Atacama region in northern Chile in late March, IOM jointly with the NGO Caritas and the Chilean Red Cross, has made progress in implementing the humanitarian aid project, funded by the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), which will benefit 300 affected families.

IOM Chile has worked to improve the infrastructure of eight temporary shelters and 300 houses. IOM also has conducted surveys and studies as a basis for granting subsidies, cleaning kits and non-food relief items (NFIs), to facilitate the safe return home of some 2550 affected persons—of whom 1301 are women, 1249 are men—including 19 Bolivians, 11 Colombians and a one Spanish national.

The affected population is currently in temporary shelters, while studies of soil are being carried out to continue building emergency housing by the Government of Chile, while IOM continues with the identification, registration and assessment of damages.

Evelyn Eguizábal, IOM Field Coordinator of Chile in the devastated area, said that "we have been identifying the affected population in coordination with the Diocese and Chilean Red Cross as well as facilitating the relocation of displaced families from temporary shelters (schools) to emergency housing and family shelters.

Flooding in the Atacama region resulted from the Copiapo and El Salado Rivers flooded, affecting a total of 28 thousand people in the region. After the serious events due to flooding, the President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, declared on March 26 state of exception of catastrophe for the whole region of Atacama, where 320 thousand people live, and then extend it to the Region of Antofagasta.

For further information please contact: Marina Esponda, IOM Chile; Tel: +56-2 29 633710, Email: