
IOM Provides Emergency Assistance to Flood Victims in Northeastern Peru

IOM is providing emergency assistance to displaced families in
Peru’s Amazon region of Loreto, which has been hit by heavy
rains and floods.

According to the authorities, nearly 200,000 people have been
severely affected by the rains that have fallen in Loreto since
late February. The water has destroyed some 26,000 hectares of
crops and closed some 38 health centers and over 1,600

IOM, which has received a US$ 400,000 contribution from the
UN’s Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF), is now providing
emergency assistance to some 4,000 people living in 37 targeted
shelters. This has included the installation of 150 showers and
over 70 communal kitchens.

Thousands of others who have fled their homes are now living in
public shelters hastily set up in schools, churches and other
community centres.  

“We’re working with the local authorities and
partner agencies to ensure best use of the funds provided. 
This includes improving security in the public shelters and access
to drinking water. We are also interviewing people leaving the
shelters in order to pass on information about their needs to the
local authorities,” explains IOM infrastructure specialist
Omar Rincón.  

With the rain starting to subside and flood waters receding, IOM
is now also focusing on the distribution of mosquito nets,
mattresses and kitchen sets.  It is also working with partners
providing return assistance to people who are able to return home.
This will allow schools to reopen. 

As part of its emergency response, IOM Peru is also organizing a
workshop for public officials, shelter managers and civil society
organizations on camp management and detecting and countering human
trafficking in emergency situations. 

For more information, please contact

Carolina Santos

IOM Peru

Tel: + 51-1 221-7209 Ext. 145

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