
IOM Prepares to Receive Refugees Approved for Permanent Settlement in Cambodia

Cambodia - The Government of Cambodia has announced its approval of four refugees from Nauru to resettle permanently in Cambodia.

IOM is working closely with the governments of Cambodia and Australia to ensure that refugees who arrive in Cambodia will receive support services covering their basic needs, daily subsistence, language training, cultural and social orientation, education services, health services, employment services, temporary accommodation and assistance to secure long-term accommodation.

IOM has arranged on-arrival accommodation for the group in Phnom Penh. The refugees may stay there for some time after their arrival, before transitioning to accommodation in local communities.

While there, the refugees will receive intensive Khmer language and cultural and social orientation. Resettlement services will be provided for an initial period of up to 12 months.

Following that, an assessment will be made on a case-by-case basis for any further need for resettlement services. Health insurance will continue to be provided, commensurate with local community standards, for a period of up to five years.

For more information please contact Leul Mekonnen at IOM Cambodia, Tel. +855.23.216.532, Email: