
IOM Pilot Programme for Immediate Response to Gender-Based Violence

As part of its Emergency Assistance Programme for Persons in Search
of International Protection, IOM has launched a campaign to create
and strengthen local inter-agency and social capacity to prevent,
recognize and respond quickly to Gender-Based Violence (GBV).

The campaign, underway in San Lorenzo, in the province of
Esmeraldas, has benefitted some 700 Colombians who have crossed
into Ecuador in search of international protection.

San Lorenzo, located in north-eastern Ecuador, is considered one
of the most vulnerable regions of the country due to the spill over
effect of the Colombian conflict, which results in large numbers of
Colombians arriving in search of international protection.

In order to improve the human rights situation related to
gender-based violence, IOM and the American Red Cross, in
partnership with the Colombian Red Cross, formed a partnership to
prevent and respond to situations of GBV against Colombian women
and children and other persons in search of international
protection.  The programme was also designed to reach members
of the local community.

The programme has created anti-GBV networks, care posts,
intensive training and protection centres for the victims.  So
far, 2,028 persons (1,417 women and 611 men) active in
neighbourhood and women's organizations, including Colombian
refugees and asylum applicants and the local community, have
received training.

A "Care Route", or service referral system, was established with
support from the National Institute for Children and the Family,
the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the National Police, the National
Commissary's Office, the Office of the Attorney General, the
Municipal Social Fund, the Afro-Ecuadorian Women's Movement, and
the Divine Providence Hospital.

Since October 2005, IOM's Emergency Assistance Programme has
provided assistance to Colombians fleeing their country due to the
violence of illegal armed groups and in need of international
protection.  The programme, funded by the US Department of
State's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), covers
Colombia's border areas with Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela.

Ecuador has the largest number of registered Colombian
refugees.  According to the United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees (UNHCR), there are 20,000 persons with refugee status
and 37,000 asylum seekers; but it estimates that there are some
130,000 persons in search of international protection currently in

For further information, please contact:

Ana Maria Guzman


Tel: + (593.2.225.3948

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