
IOM Peru: Official Statement

Peru - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an intergovernmental agency with 155 member states from every continent; IOM is not affiliated with any government agency or non-governmental group; IOM's work is humanitarian in nature, and along with working with migrants, it includes preparing for and responding to natural disasters and supporting sustainable development projects at the request of host governments, including Peru's.

Founded in 1951, IOM today implements 2,500 projects in more than 400 locations worldwide; IOM activities are designed to build the capacity of governments particularly in managing migration.  IOM's 9,000 staff members represent more than 100 nationalities.  In Peru, IOM employs 5 international staff from many nationalities and 41 national staff.   Since 1967 when IOM first came to Peru, the Organization has maintained a continual presence. In that time many thousands of women, men and children have been assisted throughout the country by IOM.

A global inter-governmental organization, IOM is proud of its record of transparency, accountability and efficiency in the work it conducts with its governmental partners, other international organizations and civil society.

IOM has a zero tolerance policy towards corruption, expects the highest professional standards from IOM staff and takes seriously any insinuation - however unsubstantiated - that our actions fall, or are perceived to fall, below these standards.  In this respect we refute recent Peruvian media reports that suggest otherwise.

IOM looks forward to continuing its long and distinguished partnership with the people and the Government of Peru and welcomes dialogue with the public and responsible media discussion of its activities.

For more information please visit the IOM Peru website:

For more information contact

José-Iván Dávalos
Chief of Mission
IOM Lima
Tel: +51.1.633.0000