
IOM, Partners Collaborate to Respond to Menstrual Health Needs of Women and Girls in the Republic of the Marshall Islands

IOM staff explains menstrual hygiene IEC materials included in dignity kits to RMI resident. Photo: IOM

Women in Ebeye receive dignity kits as part of program aimed at improving hygiene health management during emergencies in RMI. Photo: IOM

A group of women in Ebeye receive dignity kits inclusive of locally made reusable sanitary pads. Photo: IOM

Majuro – The International Organization for Migration (IOM), together with the Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) and Government of Australia, has distributed 600 hygiene kits to vulnerable households in Majuro and Ebeye to address immediate menstrual health needs. Additional kits were provided to nine non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to expand support to women and girls in RMI and to promote locally designed reusable pads included in the kits. 

“This support is all about helping vulnerable women and girls throughout RMI manage their menstrual health in a dignified way – especially during crises,” said Katrina Murray, Chargé d'affaires of the Australian Embassy Majuro.  “Empowering women and girls is fundamental to Australia’s work in the Pacific, and the CARE nan Kora program is just one example of our gender equality commitments in action here in the RMI.” 

With Government of Australia funding, IOM, under the Creating Access to Real Essentials (Care Nan Kora) project, delivered dignity kits to households in vulnerable situations and to persons with disabilities in coordination with the Majuro Atoll Local Government, Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs and Kwajalein Atoll Emergency Operations Center. The dignity kits, inclusive of reusable pads, toiletries and underwear, will go a long way in supporting women and girls who are unable to access sanitary pads and meeting urgent needs. 

Nearly one in every four households lacked access to water in Majuro and Ebeye, according to an IOM assessment conducted on 3,400 households in 2020. Twelve percent of residents in Ebeye and 17% in Majuro had no access to a toilet.  

Such factors limit the capacity of women and girls to maintain good menstrual health and hygiene practices and are often compounded in times of emergency like pandemic lockdowns or displacement events.  

Emergency situations may restrict movements, access to services, such as lifesaving gender-based violence services and sexual and reproductive health services, and present severe economic shocks for women, who generally earn less, hold insecure jobs and are less able to build savings. 

Additionally, IOM distributed dignity kits to NGOs that make up RMI’s Gender and Protection Cluster and are at the frontlines of emergency response. 

“Building on partnerships with the RMI Government, Australian Government and NGOs and forging new partnerships with local vendors is key to the sustainable production of locally made sanitary products as well as to scaling up such initiatives. This will help us ensure we reach as many women and girls as possible,” said Angela Saunders, Head of Sub-office at IOM in RMI.  

The CARE nan Kora project, ending in February this year, aims to support women and girls who are disproportionately impacted due to pre-existing inequalities and gender norms, particularly following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in RMI and the immediate needs outlined in RMI’s COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan. 


For more information, contact at IOM Micronesia: Haimanot Abebe, Email:, +691 320 8735 or the Australian Embassy Majuro at