
IOM Pakistan Takes Delivery of UK Flood Aid for Sindh

IOM will today take delivery at Karachi port of 23 40-foot
containers of aid for Sindh flood victims donated by the UK's
Department for International Development (DFID).

The aid, which includes 15,000 shelter kits, 15,000 pole sets,
36,000 wool blankets, 21,000 fleece blankets and 24,000 buckets,
will help some 15,000 vulnerable, flood-affected families in

"This shipment is particularly welcome as it comes at a time
when our emergency stocks are nearly exhausted, thousands of
families still need our help and winter is fast approaching," says
IOM Pakistan Emergency Operations Manager Tya Maskun.

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IOM will serve as the consignee for the containers, arrange
their onward shipment to Hyderabad in Sindh, and organize
distribution of the aid through partner humanitarian agencies in
the IASC Emergency Shelter Cluster.

According to the Cluster, which is led by IOM, the government
and aid agencies have already distributed emergency shelter to
361,839 families in Sindh and Balochistan flood-affected areas, but
more than 75 per cent of total affected households have yet to
receive any shelter assistance.

Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) says
that the floods have damaged or destroyed over 1.58 million houses
in Sindh and approximately 26,000 houses in Balochistan.

"Temperatures are dropping and we are getting dozens of requests
every day for plastic sheet and blankets, both from families who
are returning to their villages after vacating public buildings,
and from people who simply moved to higher ground and are still
waiting for the water to recede," says IOM Hyderabad Head of
Sub-Office Arshad Rashid.

To date IOM has provided over 31,000 flood-affected families in
Sindh with emergency shelter and essential non-food relief items
since August.

For more information on the work of the IASC Emergency Shelter
Cluster in the 2011 Pakistan floods please go to:  "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=""
target="_blank" title="">

For other information please contact:

Saleem Rehmat

IOM Islamabad

Tel: +92.300.856.0341

E-mail: "">


Chris Lom

IOM Bangkok

Tel: +66.819275215

E-mail: "">