
IOM Organizes Counter Trafficking Study Tour to Zambia for Zimbabwean MPs

IOM this week supported a three-day study tour by Zimbabwean
Members of Parliament to neighbouring Zambia to familiarize them
with Zambia’s implementation of its counter-trafficking laws.

The tour, which ended on Wednesday, focused on Zambia’s
implementation of the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish
Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, also known
as the Palermo Protocol.

It followed significant steps taken by Zimbabwe to implement
counter trafficking legislation, culminating in its ratification of
the Protocol earlier this month. The country is now transposing the
Protocol into its domestic legal system.

Zambia has already transposed the Protocol into its domestic
legislation and is implementing those laws.

According to the US State Department’s 2012 Trafficking in
Persons (TiP) Report, Zimbabwe is still a source, transit and
destination country for men, women and children subjected to forced
labour and sex trafficking.

The study tour followed an IOM counter trafficking workshop for
Zimbabwean MPs conducted last year.  It examined global human
trafficking trends and dynamics and identified gaps in existing
Zimbabwean counter trafficking laws.

For more information, please contact

Knowledge Mareyanadzo

IOM Zimbabwe

Tel: + 263 4 33 50 44

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