
IOM Niger presents ODYSSEUS 2.0 for International Migrants Day

Niger - To mark International Migrants Day 2015, IOM Niger has created an exhibit that focuses on West African migrants crossing the Sahel trying to reach Europe: Odysseus 2.0.

“For sub-Saharan migrants the road leading to Europe is a pilgrimage in which they invest their youth, their small savings and their hopes. On the way, smugglers and traffickers are the modern creatures attempting to take their lives,” says IOM Niger Chief of Mission Giuseppe Loprete.

The Central Mediterranean Route is the most dangerous migratory journey for West and Central African migrants trying to reach Italy. Since January 2015, over 3,200 migrants have perished in the attempt. Niger is the most popular transit country for West and Central African migrants trying to reach Europe: between 80,000 and 120,000 migrants cross the country every year.

“Their weapons are new technologies, social networks, pick-ups to run through the desert and old boats to cross the sea,” says Loprete.

The photographic and audio-visual exhibit illustrating this Homeric journey uses photos and short-documentary clips from Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Libya and eventually Italy.

Produced in October 2015 by a team of young Italian journalists – Andrea De Georgio and Luca Pistone – Odysseus 2.0 presents an overview of the risks, but also the dreams and hopes of the migrants. It was launched in Niger and Senegal this week.

“IOM is determined to ensure that governments are fully committed to saving lives. There are thousands of migrants on the route from West Africa every day. We have to listen to their stories and be able to offer them alternatives to these perilous journeys,” Loprete adds.

Odysseus 2.0. is part of an IOM project: “Supporting informed migration decisions in Niger,” funded by European Union and co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Interior.

See Videos:

Senegal :
Burkina Faso :

For further information, please contact Giuseppe Loprete at IOM Niger, Tel: +227.980 543 31, Email