
IOM Nepal signs an agreement with UNDP for Early Recovery Cooperation

IOM and UNDP signed an agreement on Thursday for a country-level operational cooperation to support the Government of Nepal with post-earthquake rubble and debris management.

As sub-cluster lead for Early Recovery Cluster, IOM has been implementing a debris management programme since 13 May in Chautara, Sindhupalchowk, in close coordination with the Government, local authorities, and partner agencies.

As a result of the agreement, IOM will take the lead on clearance of standing rubble in urban areas, including district headquarters and public infrastructure, while the UNDP will take the lead in rural areas, including VDC headquarters and public buildings, for debris management.

In addition, IOM and UNDP will also undertake joint planning and programming and work in partnership on urban and rural waste management. They will also collaborate on data and information gathering, analysis and dissemination of information on early recovery programs.

“The agreement is important because it will allow the two organizations to complement each other’s roles in managing rubble and debris in the field of post-disaster early recovery,” said Maurizio Busatti, Chief of Mission of IOM Nepal. UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Jamie McGoldrick also attended the signing ceremony to celebrate two organizations’ further enhanced partnership.

From the onset of the devastating earthquake which hit Nepal on 25 April, IOM and UNDP have been working closely based on their respective mandates to optimize resources, avoid overlapping and maximize overall outputs of supporting Nepal’s recovery.

For further information please contact IOM Nepal: Maurizio Busatti, Tel. +977 98010 04510, Email:  or Eunjin Jeong, Tel: +977 980 100 53 22, Email:  or Joe Lowry at IOM’s Asia-Pacific Office in Bangkok, Tel. +668187 08081, Email: