
IOM Mauritania Launches Referral System for Protection of Vulnerable Migrants

Mauritania - IOM Mauritania this month organized a capacity building roundtable to create a referral system for migrant protection. Some 30 participants from the government, UNICEF, UNHCR and civil society groups took part.

“The referral mechanism aims to improve services offered to migrants in Mauritania by optimizing the synergies between relevant stakeholders. It will also maximize support to the Mauritanian government in providing assistance to vulnerable migrants,” said project manager Christos Christodoulides.

Roundtable participants agreed to create a guide for migrants in 2017 detailing all services – health, legal, psychosocial and counselling – offered by the government, UN agencies and civil society. It will also provide useful contact information in French, English and Arabic to help orientate migrants towards specialized services and obtain the assistance they need.

The initiative is part of a EUR 1.2 million European Union (EU)-funded IOM project: Increase Local Response Capacity in Mauritania to Assist Stranded and Vulnerable Migrants through Health, Legal and Reintegration Support.

he project aims to reinforce the government’s capacity to respond to the specific needs of vulnerable migrants, as well as protecting the unaccompanied children, many of whom study in Mahadras or Koranic Schools.

For further information, please contact Christos Christodoulides at IOM Mauritania, Tel: +222 48 83 23 58, Email: