
IOM Mali Sponsors Community Mobilization and Training Activities against Ebola

Mali - From September 10th to September 17th, 2015, IOM in collaboration with the International Medical Corps (IMC) is dispensing Ebola virus disease (EVD) sensitization and community mobilization training sessions in the regions of Kayes (Kita and Kenieba), Sikasso (Yanfolila) and Koulikoro (Kangaba).

These sessions will be attended by 428 people part of the security forces, medical agents and IOM field staff. The objective of these sessions is to: provide an initial training of trainers on the modes of transmission, symptoms and prevention measures, good individual and collective hygiene practices, and appropriate attitudes in times of epidemics; involve the security forces and the health agents for change of behavior toward associated risks linked to EVD and clarify their respective roles in the communities; teach participants the proper techniques of organizing and facilitating training sessions and animation,  and update the IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMP) agents on information related to EVD.

The first identified and registered case in Mali, in October 2014, was an imported case from a traveller entering Mali by land from Guinea. With 3,792 cases reported as of September 6th 2015, Guinea is one of the three most affected countries by the Ebola epidemic.

Mali was declared Ebola-free on January 18th, 2015, however, as part of the implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR), countries are required to quickly determine the necessary preventive measures to avoid the spread of Ebola at national and international level. To ensure the epidemiological surveillance of border communities affected by the Ebola epidemic, the Ministry of Health of Mali has established “sanitary cordons” at the main border entry points. At each border point, there are medical agents and security forces (police, national guards and customs).

Due to their presence at each border point and given their proximity to communities, it is crucial to raise the awareness of health and security forces about EVD through these sensitization and community mobilization training sessions.

With the support of World Health Organization (WHO), the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and the Government of Japan, IOM is implementing since November 2014 activities aimed at strengthening the monitoring mechanisms and preventing Ebola at the major border points.

For further information please contact, Aminta Dicko, IOM Mali, Tel: + 223  2029 7698, Email: