
IOM, Local Governments in Ecuador Support Income Generation for Migrants, Vulnerable Populations

IOM Ecuador this week signed agreements with local governments in
northern Ecuador’s Esmeraldas province and with the Northwest
Esmeraldas Union of Artisanal Fishing Cooperatives to support
income generation in fish and shellfish production for vulnerable
local populations and Colombian migrants in need of international

The new agreements will provide training and material support
for people working in the fish and shellfish industry in order to
increase production and sales.

A new ice factory will provide cheaper ice for the packing and
shipping of fish and shellfish and will provide employment for 30
women. The new agreement will also provide protective wear and
other safety equipment for 120 women currently working in fish and
shellfish collection activities.

“This project will improve living conditions for these
people by creating income opportunities, which will also contribute
to the development of the region’s economy. Including
migrants in development initiatives like this should be a priority
for local progress,” says IOM Ecuador Chief of Mission
Rogelio Bernal.

An IOM project funded by the US State Department’s Bureau
of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) has been providing aid,
including food and non-food relief items, shelter, health and
psychosocial assistance, education, and income generating
activities for Colombians in need of international protection and
vulnerable host populations in the northern border region since

So far this year, IOM’s assistance has reached some 60,000
people living along Ecuador’s northern border.

Since 2001, IOM and its UN partners have been working in the
northern border region implementing infrastructure projects,
including the construction of potable water and sewage systems,
vehicular and pedestrian bridges, improved roads and strengthening
of civil society and local governments.

Ecuador is the country with the largest number of Colombian
refugees.  According to official government figures, 56,000
Colombians have been recognized as refugees by the Government of

For more information, please contact 

Jaime Paredes

IOM Ecuador

Tel: +593 2 2266-304

Mobile: +593 9 3597322

Email:  "">