
IOM Launches Temporary Shelter Programme for West Sumatra Earthquake Victims

IOM has launched a temporary shelter programme to house 1,000
vulnerable families made homeless by the 30 September West Sumatra

The quake, which left over 1,100 people dead, severely damaged
some 135,000 houses in the remote region leaving thousands of
survivors lacking adequate shelter ahead of the upcoming monsoon

The shelter kits will comprise corrugated iron (CGI) roofing
sheets, a bamboo frame, woven bamboo wall matting, cement and
salvaged bricks. The durable CGI – rather than plastic
– sheets were requested by the government to contribute to
post-emergency reconstruction.    

IOM engineers and community liaison staff this week began
building a demonstration shelter in Padang Pariaman district to
solicit local input and ensure that the structures meet local

A tender for the shelter kit materials was issued today and IOM
and partner agencies expect to begin distribution of the kits in
Padang Pariaman and Agam districts in early to mid November.

IOM is also planning to distribute 3,500 individual tool kits
– one for each family of five – and 700 community
demolition and reconstruction toolkits in the two districts, which
were among the worst-affected by the quake.

Each individual kit will include a shovel, saw, hammer, chisel,
machete, bucket, wire, nails and work gloves in a kitbag. The
community kits, which will be shared between five families, will
comprise a wheelbarrow, sledge hammer, pickaxe, crow bar, hacksaw,
tin cutter and rope.  

Meanwhile, IOM trucks are continuing to ferry aid to survivors
of the disaster. To date 758 IOM trucks have delivered 2,709 tonnes
of food and non-food relief items on behalf of 82 aid agencies.

IOM vehicles are also continuing to provide transport for
discharged patients injured in the quake, together with
accompanying family members, from Padang hospitals to their

IOM's West Sumatra earthquake response received a boost this
week with a USD 100,000 donation from the Brazilian
government.  The operation up to now has been funded by a EUR
924,000 contribution from the European Commission's Humanitarian
Aid Department (ECHO.)  The Brazilian funds will support
ongoing IOM trucking and emergency shelter operations.

For more information, please contact:

Jihan Labetubun

IOM Padang

Tel. +62.8111907028

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