
IOM Launches Gender-Based Migrants’ Rights Campaign in Argentina

Argentina - IOM has launched an awareness campaign in Argentina aimed at promoting migrants’ human rights, particularly women who are victims of gender-based violence.

The campaign was developed in the framework of the project “Promoting Human Rights of Migrants from a Gender Perspective”, implemented by IOM in partnership with the Under-Secretariat of Social Advancement of the Ministry for Social Development of the City of Buenos Aires, with the support of the IOM Development Fund. 

The campaign raises awareness of migrants´ rights based on National Migration Law 25.871, introduced on 2004, which protects the rights of all migrants, regardless of their legal status.  

The campaign includes print and audio-visual material, including a “Guide to Rights and Resources for Migrant Women” - a booklet listing the different institutional resources for the defense and promotion of the rights of migrant women.

The publication also provides useful information about how to access relevant services available in the City of Buenos Aires. It can be downloaded from the IOM Argentina website at:

Posters and postcards also show migrants’ right to health, education, work and access to regularization, as well the right of migrant women to work, health, and a life free from violence.

The campaign also produced two digital animation videos. The first is aimed at raising public awareness of the rights guaranteed by the National Migration Law. The second highlights the barriers that women, especially migrant women, have to overcome in order to fully exercise their rights.

To watch the videos please go to:

For further information please contact Mariana Beheran at IOM Argentina, Tel: +5411 4811 9148, Email: