
IOM Launches Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts, Rehabilitates Shelter Infrastructure

With a USD 1 million contribution received from the US Agency for
International Development (USAID), IOM Haiti has begun
rehabilitating some of the shelter structures, primarily schools
and churches, which suffered extensive damage during last year's
hurricane season.

IOM began the rehabilitation of shelters on the heels of the
Government of Haiti's announcement this week, in partnership with
the international humanitarian community, of the country's
contingency plan for the upcoming hurricane season.  The
initiative comes in response to calls by the Government to increase
efforts to streamline emergency response plans and increase overall
capacity to cope with displacement and damage caused by natural

In support of the government-led efforts, IOM, as lead agency in
the area of shelter and non-food item assistance, undertook to map
out the country's temporary shelter infrastructure and assess
conditions in which the displaced may be received at those

Some 115 communes have been visited, and more than 828 potential
shelter sites were identified, with an overall estimated capacity
to accommodate upwards of 150,000 persons. 

Additional shelter space is to be established by IOM in the
coastal towns of Cabaret and Gonaives, both of which are considered
among the country's most vulnerable to floods and landslides due to
their deteriorated natural environment and lack of adequate water
evacuation piping systems.

Construction of such structures will significantly increase
shelter capacity and improve reception conditions, which remain
below recommended standards at many locations.  Rehabilitation
efforts will be complemented through the pre-positioning of
essential non-food items, such as hygiene kits, kitchen sets, tools
and emergency shelter materials, in key locations around the

For the 2009 hurricane season, which lasts from 1 June to 30
November, IOM estimates its funding needs at USD 2.5 million in
order to further consolidate national capacity for disaster
preparedness, including the provision of adequate shelter responses
to the displaced.

For more information, please contact:

Nuno Nunes

IOM Haiti

Tel. +509 2244 1218

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