
IOM joins hands with Philippines Government for migrants health review

Philippines - The Philippines, with one of the highest migration rates in the world, is the subject of a joint IOM/Government initiative to ensure the health rights of migrants.

The joint IOM/Health Department situation analysis, launched last week in Manila, sets out to identify challenges and opportunities in the Philippines’ approach to migration health and craft recommendations for the future. This national assessment – the first of its kind – will also generate evidence to strengthen implementation of the World Health Assembly Resolution on Migration Health.

At last week’s launch, Marco Boasso, IOM’s Chief of Mission in the Philippines said: “There is a growing recognition of the need for a comprehensive approach to migration and health that goes beyond infectious diseases and border control. We applaud the Government of the Philippines in taking this critical step forward to promote health of migrants.”

Health Secretary Enrique Ona noted: “Universal health coverage outlines the thrust to realize the health goals set by the President’s administration, meaning increased access to quality health services. Inclusion of the health rights and concerns of migrants is a priority.”

The situation analysis comes as the UN Secretary General issued a call for the protection of the human rights of migrants and integrating migration into the development agenda, at the second High-Level Dialogue on Migration and Development in New York.

For further information, please contact

Dr. Poonam Dhavan
IOM Manila
Tel. +632 230 1631