
IOM Joins the East African Community (EAC) and Partner States in Support of the Free Movement of Persons

IOM has partnered with the EAC Secretariat to implement the
regional project "Enhancing the Capacity of the East African
Community to Harmonize Migration Management and Allow Free and Safe
Movement of Persons" which seeks to promote orderly and free
movement of persons throughout the East Africa region in the spirit
of implementing the EAC Common Market Protocol.

The first meeting for the project will be held on 27 - 28 July
2010 in Kampala, Uganda with the Chiefs of Immigration of Burundi,
Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. The meeting provides partner
states a platform to discuss progress thus far in the
implementation of the protocol and to identify next steps for
collaboration and coordination within the framework of the

The Common Market Protocol calls for enhanced collaboration
amongst the Partner States in the economic and social sectors
through integration and harmonization of their policies in areas of
free movement of persons, labour, goods, services and capital and
to ensure the enjoyment of the rights of establishment and
residence of their nationals within the

The project will provide technical assistance to incorporate
migration into Common Market Protocol implementation including:
setting up a dedicated "migration" desk and resource centre to
support the EAC Secretariat; sensitizing Partner States to relevant
migration issues; and establishing a Regional Advisory Committee to
oversee migration management issues.

The project is funded by the UK Department for International
Development (DFID) as part of its comprehensive Regional East
Africa Integration Programme (REAP) cooperation with the EAC.

The Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Community
Common Market was signed in November 2009 and entered into force on
1 July 2010. The EAC is fast-tracking its regional integration
agenda and working towards a Monetary Union by 2012 and full
Political Federation by 2015.

For more information, please contact:

Sara Mohammed

IOM Regional Office for East & Central Africa

Tel: +254 20 4444 174/ 167 Ext. 27

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