
IOM Italy Re-launches Media Campaign on Migration

IOM Italy is re-launching its "The Typical Migrant in the News
Campaign", successfully introduced in 2009, showing an African-born
doctor photographed by the press while saving the life of an
Italian man.

"This second phase of the media campaign was already planned,"
says IOM's Flavio Di Giacomo. "Based on the positive response we
received previously, we decided to once again highlight the way
migrants and immigrants are perceived by the civil society. This
campaign challenges the negative images frequently promoted by the

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The campaign, which features a negative newspaper heading with
the image of an immigrant physician saving a life, seeks to draw
attention to the silent majority of immigrants who work hard and
contribute to the development of the Italian social and economic

"The 4 million immigrants currently living in Italy contribute
up to 9 per cent of the national GDP, the Italian economy could
suffer serious damage without them.  1.5 million immigrants
work in the services, 1 million in agriculture and manufacturing,
and over 200,000 in the fishery and retail sector", says IOM's
Deputy Representative for the Mediterranean, Carmela Godeau.

Produced in cooperation with the advertising agency Publicis,
the campaign benefitted from a number of volunteers including
photographers, crew and the principal actor, Kyenge Kashetu, a
doctor of Congolese origin who has lived and worked in Italy for
several years.

The campaign advertisement featuring Dr. Kashetu which has
already appeared in several newspapers, will be re-distributed to
national and local Media in Italy and can also be downloaded from
IOM Rome's website at: "" target="_blank" title=

For further information, please contact:

Flavio Di Giacomo

IOM Rome

Tel: + 39 06 44 186 207

E-mail: "">