
IOM Italian Awareness Campaign Wins "Friendly Images" Prize

IOM Rome has been awarded a 2012 "Friendly Images" prize for
socially responsible creativity in the Web category.

The prize, which is awarded by the Italian Women’s Union
(Unione Donne in Italia) and the Office of Information of the
European Parliament for Italy, under the auspices of the Ministry
for Equal Opportunities, is designed to encourage visual
communication that is creative, non-stereotypical and
non-exploitative of women.

The IOM campaign, produced in cooperation with the advertising
agency Publicis, shows an African-born woman doctor photographed by
the press while saving the life of an Italian male heart attack
victim under the slogan: "The Typical Migrant in the News."

The campaign aimed to overturn public perceptions of migrants as
criminals and to highlight their positive contribution.

"BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(51,102,204) 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: rgb(51,102,204) 1px solid; MARGIN: 0pt 0pt 10px 10px; WIDTH: 200px; BACKGROUND: rgb(153,204,255) 0% 50%; FLOAT: right; CLEAR: right; BORDER-TOP: rgb(51,102,204) 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: rgb(51,102,204) 1px solid">
"PADDING-BOTTOM: 3px; PADDING-LEFT: 3px; PADDING-RIGHT: 3px; BACKGROUND: rgb(51,102,204) 0% 50%; PADDING-TOP: 3px">Related
Link alt="" border="0" height="12" hspace="0" src=
"/jahia/webdav/site/myjahiasite/shared/shared/mainsite/graphics/interface/icons_buttons/blue_link_box.gif"> "" target=
"_blank" title="">View Poster

Cecile Kyenge Kashetu, a doctor of Congolese origin who has
worked in Italy for several years, features in the campaign and
strongly supports its aims.

"The message was designed to encourage tolerance and reduce
xenophobia among the general public to facilitate migrant
integration. It also recognized the key role of women, who
represent 50% of all migrants in Italy," says IOM Rome Chief of
Mission José Angel Oropeza.

The campaign was largely created by volunteers, including
photographers, actors and crew, who spontaneously decided to work
together with Publicis on a pro bono basis.

The "Friendly Images" prizes were awarded by a jury of
communication experts in four categories: Television Advertising,
Print Advertising, Web and Outdoor.

The campaign can be downloaded at: "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=
"" target=
"_blank" title=

For more information please contact:

Flavio Di Giacomo

IOM Rome

Tel: +39 06 44 186 207

E-mail: "">