
IOM Hosts Training in International Migration in Uruguay

IOM is this week hosting a five-day training in international
migration for Uruguayan officials of the National Migration
Directorate, and consular officers of the Ministry of External
Relations in Montevideo.

The workshop, which will run from August 15th to 19th and train
35 officials, will be led by migration experts from Uruguay and
Argentina, including IOM Regional Director for South America, Juan

The training will analyse current migration issues in Uruguay,
the region and at the international level; public policies designed
to manage migration; the human rights of migrants; regularization
processes carried out in Latin America; international legal
instruments ratified by Uruguay, human trafficking and migrant

With 18 per cent of its population (some 600,000 persons) living
outside the country at the end of the 20th century, the emigration
of its nationals was the central structural phenomenon facing the
Uruguayan government.

However, in the past few years, many Uruguayan migrants have
returned home and the country has seen an increase in immigration
from South American countries.

Since 2000, Uruguayans have been returning in equal numbers from
Argentina, Spain and the United States.

"We expect that this training will continue to strengthen
migration management capacities in two national institutions which
are IOM’s key partners in Uruguay," said Juan Artola, IOM
Regional Director for South America.

For more information please contact:

Alba Goycoechea

IOM Montevideo

Tel: + 598-2-9168043

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