
IOM Helps Zimbabwe Enhance Integrated Border Management Capacity

Zimbabwe - IOM has been working with the Government of Zimbabwe to establish migration governance framework in Zimbabwe to enhance the role of State and non-State actors in managing migration in a migrant-centred, gender-sensitive, and development-oriented manner.

As part of activities contributing to an outcome of a strengthened institutional capacity for the coordination of migration management in Zimbabwe, IOM in collaboration with Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Home Affairs this week (1-2/11) organized a capacity building training on Integrated Border Management (IBM) for 25 senior government officials from Ministries and departments with a mandate in border management.

The objective of the two-day workshop, one of a series of IBM trainings, was to strengthen the capacity of immigration and border management authorities to mainstream and operationalize IBM concepts in migration management.

This activity also forms one of the main pillars of IOM’s efforts to build the capacity of the Zimbabwean government to better manage migration, which is being implemented with support from IOM Development Fund (IDF) project: Comprehensive Border Assessments and Immigration Policy for Enhancing Capacity on Integrated Border Management in Zimbabwe and reinforced by the European Union-funded programme under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) project: Promoting Migration Governance in Zimbabwe (PMGZ).

The migration issues covered included labour migration, trafficking in persons (TiP), mixed migration flows (including refugee protection, unaccompanied minors and undocumented/stranded migrants), integrated border management, internal migration, migration and human development, and migration and gender.

The training will contribute to a better understanding of essentials of migration management, international border management and the International Migration Law. It will further enhance knowledge of and improve on the planning, coordination and implementation of border management and migration management activities among the legislature, various government Ministries and Departments working with migrants, law enforcement and immigration authorities, the media and civil society organizations, as well as the migrants.

Lily Sanya, IOM Zimbabwe Chief of Mission said: “We are grateful for the support from the IOM Development Fund and the EU and it is our hope that the training will promote effectiveness and coherence of migration management across all the divides in the Government of Zimbabwe that deal with migration issues and build a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the migration management structure in Zimbabwe.”

For further information please contact Memory Mwale at IOM Zimbabwe, Tel: + 263 4 704285/88/90, Email: