
IOM Helps WHO to Assemble Migrant Health Toolkit for Europe

Switzerland - Sudden and large influxes of refugees and migrants can disrupt entire health systems in countries of transit and destination, if these are not adequately prepared. While the health problems of refugees and migrants are similar to those of the rest of the population, many suffer from physical and psychological illnesses associated with exposure to conflicts and violence at departure, as well as from the consequences of the journey and the living conditions on arrival.

With over a million refugees and migrants arriving in Europe by sea in 2015 and over 350,000 so far this year, the WHO Regional Office for Europe, with assistance from IOM and UNHCR, has responded by developing a toolkit – the first of its kind – to help countries analyse and improve their health capacity and first response to large-scale migration.

“When refugees and migrants started arriving in European countries in large numbers from across the Mediterranean, we acknowledged the need for a health tool to deal with this new scenario,” said Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe. “We have now made available the first step-by-step guide to respond to the health aspects of migration and have piloted it in 11 countries so far. We encourage countries on the front line of migration to use this tool to protect the health of both the newcomers and their resident populations, in adherence with the principles of equity, solidarity, human rights and dignity.”

The new toolkit will ensure that refugees, migrants and host communities have the same opportunities to access health care, in line with the European policy framework Health 2020 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

“Migration, whether voluntary or forced, has become a key issue in the international agenda. It should not be considered a problem to be solved, but rather a reality to be faced and an opportunity to be managed. With the overwhelming contributions of migrants to societies and countries, they should be allowed to flourish through safe, orderly and dignified migration. This important tool will assist Member States in addressing migrants’ health and promote equitable access to needed health services as an intrinsic part of human rights and sound public health,” said IOM Director General William Lacy Swing.

“This toolkit is an extension of the European Region Strategy and Action Plan, which represents a comprehensive, concrete and practical response, and builds upon the experiences and many lessons learned from the past year. Ensuring that refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants can access adequate health care is an important building block in a sustainable solution-oriented response that benefits all. It also demonstrates countries’ commitment to ‘leave no one behind’, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” noted UNHCR’s Director of the Division of Programme Support and Management Steven Corliss.

The most frequent health problems of newly arrived refugees and migrants include:

  • Hypothermia, dehydration, trauma and burns suffered during the journey by sea or land.
  • Pregnancy- and delivery-related complications for women, including higher risks of neonatal deaths.
  • Health consequences of exposure to violence, exploitation and trafficking.
  • Respiratory infections and gastrointestinal illnesses – especially in children – due to poor living conditions, poor hygiene and deprivation, also leading to skin infections.
  • Mental health and psychosocial conditions or exacerbation of chronic diseases on arrival, especially due to interruption of care.

The toolkit draws from evidence-based methods and experience to help countries plan to address these conditions. In addition, it provides guidance to estimate the economic costs of the response and potential social tensions, as well as to address the health risks of the professionals involved in the rescue, care and settling operations.

To download the toolkit please go to:

For more on migration and health please go to:

For further information, please contact Manuela Altomonte at IOM HQ, Tel: + 41 766508616, Email: