
IOM Helps 10,000 Syrian Refugees to Resettle in Canada

Syria - IOM assisted in the safe and orderly resettlement of 10,000 Syrian refugees from Lebanon and Jordan to Canada between December 11th and January 12th – some 40 per cent of the 25,000 refugees Canada committed to resettle by early 2016. 

IOM has been working with the Government of Canada, UNHCR and other partners in Beirut and Amman since late November to register the refugees for resettlement. Its role includes providing transport, logistics, medical screening, organizing charter flights and escorting the refugees to Canada.

“Moving to Canada has given me the opportunity to enjoy living every day with values I hold dear – freedom of speech and conscience, multiculturalism, social justice and equality,” said newly resettled refugee Avedis.

“I was an English teacher before, so now I am working at Montreal airport as a translator for Canadian Immigration. I’ve already spoken to universities here and am ecstatic that I am qualified to apply for a PhD,” he added. 

 You can read more about Avedis and other Syrians who are being resettled   in Canada here.

“I am delighted we have passed such an important milestone in the resettlement process,” said IOM Jordan Chief of Mission Enrico Ponziani. “This is largely due to the excellent coordination between the governments of Canada, Jordan and Lebanon, as well as our partner agencies.”  

For further information, please contact: Joel Millman, Tel: +41-79 103 8720, Email: