
IOM Hands Over Disaster Response Tracking Database to Philippines Government

IOM yesterday handed over a Humanitarian Response Monitoring System
(HRMS) to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

The HRMS, funded by the European Community Humanitarian Aid
Department (ECHO), was originally rolled out by IOM in 2006 to
address information management issues in the emergency response to
Super Typhoon Reming.

In 2009, the system was modified and rolled out again in
response to the complex emergency in Central Mindanao and remains
the key tool used by aid agencies in the Inter-Agency Standing
Committee (IASC) Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster,
particularly to monitor population displacement.

DSWD will adopt the HRMS as its main tool for monitoring
displacement and humanitarian response. The system was piloted in
Central Mindanao and will subsequently be rolled out in other

"The signing of this agreement further strengthens the
partnership between IOM and DSWD. We believe that it will
complement and enhance our information management capacity in
disaster response,” says DSWD Assistant Secretary Ruel

The handover took place at a ceremony attended by DSWD Secretary
Esperanza Cabral, IOM Deputy Director General Ambassador Laura
Thompson and IOM Regional Representative for East Asia Charles

For more information please contact:

Ida Mae Fernandez

Tel. + 63.02.848.12.60

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Joanna Dabao

Tel. + 63.02.848.12.60

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