
IOM, Greece Sign Agreement on New Voluntary Return Programme

IOM and the Government of Greece today signed a EUR 10 million
12-month agreement that will offer assisted voluntary return from
Greece to their countries of origin for some 7,000 stranded
irregular migrants.

The project, which will be funded 75 per cent by the European
Return Fund and 25 per cent by the Greek Ministry of Public Order
and Citizens' Protection, will offer 300 of the most vulnerable
returnees reintegration packages in their home countries.


IOM Deputy Director General Ambassador Laura Thompson, IOM Greece
Chief of Mission Daniel Esdras and Greece's Minister of Public
Order and Citizens' Protection Nicalaos Dendias attended today's
signing of the agreement in Athens.

According to Eurostat, there currently close to one million
irregular migrants in Greece, which is part of the European Union's
external border and whose geographic location makes it a prime
target for irregular migration.

The largest number of irregular migrants in Greece come from
Afghanistan, followed by Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco and Iraq.
Most want to continue their journey on to other European countries,
but run out of money and end up homeless and unemployed on the
streets of Greek cities.

The IOM project, which is the third of its kind implemented by
IOM Athens, in close collaboration with the Greek Ministry of
Public Order and Citizens' Protection, will offer the migrants an
opportunity to return home in a safe and dignified manner.

To date, IOM Athens has already assisted over 5,000 irregular
migrants to return home and has registered another 8,000 who want
to be repatriated to their respective countries.

For more information, please contact

Daniel Esdras

IOM Athens

Tel. +30.2.10/9919040

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