
IOM Exhibition Opens at World Expo Shanghai 2010

An IOM photo and video exhibitition featuring aspects of IOM's work
in China and worldwide opened today at the UN Pavilion at World
Expo Shanghai 2010.

The exhibition, which will run for the next two weeks and was
opened by IOM Beijing Head of Office Thomas Sinkovits, features
IOM's technical cooperation work in China, as well as its work
around the world in disaster relief, counter trafficking, migrant
health and refugee resettlement.

"The UN Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo is a wonderful venue
to showcase IOM's work with China and the UN family to a vast,
mainly Chinese audience," said Sinkovits.

"Migration – both inside the country and abroad – is
something that touches the lives of millions of Chinese. IOM's
message – migration for the benefit of all – is
something that strikes a chord with both the government and the
general public. We expect quite a lot of interest in the
exhibition," he added.

IOM, in cooperation with the government and in partnership with
the International Labour Organization (ILO), is currently
implementing a major technical cooperation programme designed to
help China in its efforts to strengthen its migration management
capacity and combat human trafficking.

China has been an IOM Observer State since 2001. IOM opened a
Liaison Office in Beijing in March 2007.

For more information, please contact:

Tom Sinkovits

IOM Beijing

Tel. +86.1085321834

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