
IOM, EU Build Somali Migration Management Capacity

Somalia - IOM, with support from the European Union (EU), last week (6-7/10) organized a two-day training on migration management with 20 participants drawn from key ministries of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and its newly formed High Level Inter-ministerial Taskforce on Migration.

The training, facilitated by IOM’s Regional Liaison Policy Officer, Alice Kimani, covered subjects such as the concept of migration management; the responsibility of states in managing migration; the rights and obligations of migrants; and ways in which a state can develop a migration policy and framework.

"Migration is a global issue and an important challenge faced by Somalia and its neighbours. As the EU, we are committed to assist the countries most affected by migratory pressures and are keen to facilitate building the capacity of government officials to equip them with the necessary skills to manage the challenging migration crisis," said Michele Cervone d'Urso, EU Head of Delegation and Ambassador to Somalia.

“Institutional strengthening and capacity building for line ministries on migration management is key to the government. As Somalia stabilizes itself both economically and socially, it creates opportunities for citizens to stay home. Hence traveling becomes an option and not a necessity for many,” said Mariam Yusuf, FGS Special Envoy for Children and Migrants’ Rights.

The training drew from IOM’s expertise built through working closely with the FGS in addressing migration-related issues. These include irregular migration, trafficking in persons, voluntary return and reintegration of returnees, and durable solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs).

IOM also focuses on managing mixed migratory flows in collaboration with states in the Horn of Africa and IGAD region. IOM has been facilitating safe and orderly migration of vulnerable mobile migrant populations through supporting governments in the regulation of migration and border management in line with international standards and best practices.

“Migration has been a challenge facing Somalia due to prolonged conflict that has seen many migrants leave the county both for economic and social reasons. IOM is committed to continuing to work with the Federal Government and other stakeholders in addressing migration-related issues,” said IOM Somalia’s Julia Hartlieb.

The training is part of a European Union (EU)-funded IOM project: “Facilitating Sustainable Return through Laying Foundations for Somalia in the Horn of Africa".

For further information, please contact Julia Hartlieb at IOM Somalia, Tel: + 254202926121, Email: