
IOM Establishes Camp for 200 Families in Pakistan's Flood-Hit Sindh Province

IOM has set up a camp for 200 flood-displaced families in Sindh
province's Shaheed Benazirabad district, following a request from
local authorities.

The "IOM Tent City," which was set up in a week, will be
administered by the district authorities and is located near
Quaid-e-Awam University in Shaheed Benazirabad city.

The 200 families, who chose to move to the camp, were previously
sheltering in over-crowded conditions in four schools in the

The camp comprises 50 tents and 150 shelters made with plastic
sheet tarpaulins. Families were also given kitchen sets, jerry
cans, blankets and plastic mats on arrival.

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UNICEF, the UN Children's Fund, built 40 latrines and provided
seven 3,500-liters collapsible water tanks. The UN World Food
Programme (WFP) provided each family with a one-month ration. The
district administration will provide security.

Two more camps are now being set up by aid agencies in Daur Shah
and Ghatti villages, located in Kazi Ahmed "taluka", also at the
request of the Shaheed Benazirabad district administration.

"The need for shelter is still huge as many families occupying
schools now have to leave. Thousands of people are also still cut
off by standing floodwaters, difficult to access and unable to
return home," says Head of IOM Sukkur Office Maen Daqaq.

Despite major funding constraints, IOM has provided shelter and
non-food relief items to nearly 30,000 families across
flood-affected areas in Sindh since the onset of the floods in
August. It is currently appealing for funds to help thousands

Based on government and independent assessments, the UN believes
that some 5.5 million people have been affected by the floods in
Sindh and nearly 1.8 million have been displaced.

IOM has appealed for some USD 18 million to assist flood victims
in Pakistan. So far, IOM has received confirmed funding from Japan
(USD 1 million), from the UN Central Emergency Relief Fund (USD 1.5
million) and from USAID's Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance
(USD 1.8 million).

For more information on the work of the IASC Emergency Shelter
Cluster in the 2011 Pakistan floods please go to:  "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=
"" target="_blank" title=

For other information please contact:

Saleem Rehmat

IOM Islamabad

Tel: +92.300.856.0341

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