
IOM Empties Aid Stockpiles, Appeals for Funds for Pakistan Flood Victims

IOM is this week distributing the last of 21,000 emergency shelter
and non-food relief item kits that it pre-positioned in
Pakistan’s Sindh province at the beginning of the year in
anticipation of the 2011 monsoon.

Some 18,000 of the kits, each of which includes two plastic
tarpaulins, two blankets, a kitchen set and a bucket – enough
to meet the needs of 126,000 people – have now been
distributed or handed over to local implementing partners for
distribution to vulnerable families in the worst flood-affected
districts of Sindh.

But according to Pakistan’s National Disaster Management
Authority (NDMA), over 6 million people have now been affected by
the flooding in all 23 districts in Sindh. Nearly 1.39 million
houses have been damaged or destroyed and over 428,000 individuals
are now living in 2,737 relief camps. At least the same number of
displaced people may be living in unrecorded, spontaneous
settlements, according to an IOM-led rapid needs assessment.

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Based on this data and the assessment of 2,547 temporary
settlements completed a week ago by IOM and partner agencies in the
IASC Emergency Shelter Custer, IOM is now appealing to
international donors for USD 14.6 million to procure and distribute
emergency shelter and non food items to another 553,000 vulnerable
people over the next three months.

“The money will go towards providing shelter and non-food
relief items for the most vulnerable flood victims, meeting the
needs of displaced people in temporary settlements and relief
camps, tracking displacement, building local capacity and
coordinating the work of the Emergency Shelter Cluster,” says
IOM Pakistan Chief of Mission Hassan Abdel Moneim Mostafa.

IOM is also appealing for an additional USD 2.2 million to
support the NDMA and its provincial counterpart in Sindh –
the PDMA; USD 589,000 for the provision of primary health care for
flood victims; USD 300,000 for humanitarian mass information
campaigns; and USD 300,000 for security awareness training for aid
workers working in flood-affected areas.

Working closely with government counterparts NDMA and PDMA to
complement Pakistan’s massive flood response effort in Sindh
is another key aspect of IOM’s strategy, according to Abdel
Moneim Mostafa.

At NDMA’s request, IOM procured and distributed 23,000
food ration packs to flood-affected families in seven districts in
Sindh. It is also helping NDMA to transport relief goods to
distribution sites and camps. Since mid-August some 59 IOM trucks
have transported NDMA relief supplies, including 15,000 tents,
40,050 blankets, medicines, water purification units, and
search-and-rescue boats for distribution in flooded areas.

For more information on the work of the Shelter Cluster in the
2011 Pakistan floods please go to:

For more information please contact:

Saleem Rehmat

IOM Islamabad

Tel: +92.300.856.0341

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