
IOM Director General visits Moldova

IOM Director General Mr. William Lacy Swing paid his first visit to
the Republic of Moldova to mark the country’s 20th
Anniversary of Independence on 27 August 2011.

During his two-day visit, Mr. Swing met with senior government
officials including the Acting President of Moldova, Mr. Marian
Lupu, the Prime Minister, Mr. Vladimir Filat, the Vice-Prime
Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration,
Mr. Iurie Leanca. Mr.Swing also had talks with the Minister and
Vice-Minister of Labour Social Protection, Ms. Valentina Buliga and
Mr. Sergiu Sainciuc accordingly and with the Minister of Internal
Affairs, Mr. Alexei Roibu.

The Moldovan authorities expressed their appreciation of
IOM’s commitment and support in addressing issues relating to
irregular migration, human trafficking, the protection of
migrants’ rights and for helping Moldova develop a set of
evidence based migration policies in accordance with European

Acting President Marian Lupu said: "We highly appreciate IOM's
role in promoting migration policies and assisting Moldova in
fulfilling its international commitments."

Prime-Minister Vladimir Filat emphasized IOM’s invaluable
contribution in helping his country address irregular migration and
human trafficking, which remain top priorities for the

"We will continue work with our Moldovan counterparts towards
greater support on issues such as visa liberalization and greater
mobility for citizens of Moldova," said Mr. Swing.

The Director General also paid a visit to the Centre for
Assistance and Protection of Victims and Potential Victims of
Trafficking, which is under the patronage of the Ministry of Labour
Social Protection and Family. He also met with beneficiaries and
staff members at the Centre for Temporary Placement of Irregular
Migrants, which is now under the auspices of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs.

A reception to celebrate IOM's 60th Anniversary and to mark 10
years of IOM presence in Moldova was organized for staff, partners
and friends.

The Director General expressed his deep appreciation of IOM
Moldova’s activities and successes. He thanked donors and
partners for their continuous support in promoting the human rights
and dignity of migrants and for working towards their greater