
IOM Director General Meets the African Group

The Director General of the International Organization for
Migration (IOM), William Lacy Swing on 13 March 2009 met members of
the African Group to update them on progress made towards achieving
strategic priorities set for the Organization and for Africa.

During the one hour meeting, which took place at the United
Nations Office at Geneva, the Director General said progress had
been made towards bolstering Member State ownership, strengthening
collaborative partnerships and promoting staff development.

The Director General briefed the African Group on the setting up
of a capacity building centre for Africa in Moshi, Tanzania, on the
establishment of an IOM Mission with Regional Functions for Central
Africa in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and on progress
made on the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
Regional Consultative Process on migration issues. This includes
the setting up of an IOM office in Djibouti.

He further encouraged the African Group to apply for IOM's 1035
Facility, which provides special support to developing member
states and member states with an economy in transition on
developing and implementing joint government-IOM projects
addressing particular areas of migration management.

The impact of the global economic slowdown on Africa was also
discussed. The Director General said the Organization was carefully
monitoring the impact of the crisis on employment, remittance flows
and on the image and perception of migrants.

Members of the African Group expressed their appreciation for
the Director General's constant efforts to promote a dynamic and
mutually beneficial partnership between IOM and the African