
IOM Deploys Experts, Aid to Padang Earthquake Zone

IOM has deployed a team of disaster response specialists to Padang,
West Sumatra, following the September 30th earthquake that left
over 600 people dead, hundreds missing and tens of thousands

It has also deployed a fleet of 20 trucks and 5 pick-ups to
IOM's Padang office to deliver emergency relief provided by the
local government, AusAid, the Indonesian Red Cross, Médecins
Sans Frontières, the World Food Programme and other national
and international partner organizations.

An IOM convoy carrying three large multi-purpose rub hall tents,
two smaller office tents, generators and other equipment is
expected to arrive in Padang on Wednesday, and another 100 trucks
will be deployed to the area by the end of the week, according to
IOM Indonesia Chief of Mission Denis Nihill.

Emphasizing the importance of a coordinated international
response led by the Indonesian authorities, he said that IOM would
work closely with the National Coordinating Agency for Disaster
Management (BNPB), the West Sumatra emergency response agency
(SATKORLAK), the local authorities and partner agencies to deliver
a fast and effective response to the disaster.

IOM's emergency response capacity in Sumatra dates back to the
2004 tsunami and the 2005 Nias earthquake. In March 2007 it
established an office in Padang following the Solok earthquake,
which struck 90 kms north of the provincial capital.

IOM specialists currently are taking part in a multi-agency
assessment of the immediate needs of survivors of the quake, which
is believed to have left over 3,000 people injured and damaged some
83,000 homes.

Most of the casualties resulted from landslides triggered by the
quake, which buried three villages in Padang Pariaman district.

As the lead agency for Camp Coordination and Camp Management
following natural disasters in the IASC / UN cluster system, IOM
will evaluate the need for camps to house survivors. It will also
respond to a request from the Ministry of Health to assist in
delivering psycho-social support to survivors.

For more information, please contact:

Jihan Labetubun

IOM Jakarta

Tel: +62.8111907028

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