
IOM Delivers Emergency Shelter to Flood-Hit Families in Sudan’s North Darfur

Sudan - IOM Sudan has distributed emergency shelters and non-food relief items to 297 vulnerable internally displaced families whose homes were completely destroyed by floods in Dar El Salam, Shangel Tobay, North Darfur. Heavy rainfall on July 14th and 15th caused flash floods in the area’s Nifasha and Shadad camps.

The aid included 297 locally produced, environmentally friendly improved emergency shelters, 297 plastic tarpaulins, 594 sleeping mats, 594 blankets, 297 jerry cans and 297 kitchen sets. The operation was funded by the European Commission Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Department (ECHO).

At the request of North Darfur’s Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) and the Area Humanitarian Country Team (AHCT), an IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team was deployed to assess the flood damage and register the affected population through door-to-door assessments.

The team identified a total of 360 households or 1, 900 people affected by floods. Some 54 percent (1,026 people) were children under the age of 18. IOM was then asked to provide support to families whose homes were completely destroyed.

Shangel Tobay is one of three administrative units in Dar el Salam locality, located approximately 80 km south of El Fasher town in North Darfur State. It hosts three camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs): Nifasha, Shadad and Um Deraisay. The total population of the camps is around 28,627.

IOM was asked by the HAC to serve as the focal point for flood situational reporting in North Darfur. To date it has shared 138 flood situational reports with OCHA and humanitarian partners and undertaken two damage assessments and registrations of affected populations.

Sudan’s Minister of Urban Planning and Public Utilities/Head of State Civil Defense Committee General Mohamed Kamal El Din Abo Shouk welcomed the cooperation between the government, the emergency committee, IOM, humanitarian organizations and the HAC in helping the flood victims.

For further information, please contact Lorena Dos Santos at IOM Sudan, +249-15655460/ Ext 210   Email: