
IOM Commends United States’ Inclusion of Migrants in COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out

Geneva – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) welcomes the inclusion of migrants in the new US Administration’s national strategy for COVID-19 response and its commitment “to ensuring that safe, effective, cost-free vaccines are available to the entire U.S. public—regardless of their immigration status”.

In light of this announcement, IOM calls on all countries to adopt similar migrant-inclusive approaches, to ensure that as many lives as possible can be saved.  

“COVID-19 vaccines provide the opportunity we have been waiting for, but only if we use them wisely and strategically, by protecting the most at-risk first, no matter their nationality and legal immigration status,” warned IOM Director General António Vitorino. “I applaud those Governments choosing the path of inclusion and solidarity for their vaccine roll-outs.”. 

According to the COVAX Facility – the multilateral mechanism created to ensure equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines – immunization campaigns have already started in over 50 countries.

Many countries have yet to release their prioritization strategies for the vaccine roll-outs, but the United States, Germany and Jordan, among others, have already announced various measures to provide access to the vaccine equitably, including to asylum seekers, migrants in irregular situations and forcibly displaced persons. Last year, similar migrant-inclusive approaches were adopted for COVID-19 testing, treatment and social services in Ireland, Malaysia, Portugal, Qatar and the United Kingdom.

To facilitate truly effective and equitable immunization campaigns, IOM is working closely with the COVAX Facility, Member States, the World Health Organization, and other partners, and recommending that national authorities adopt practices to account for all migrant, such as:

  • Ensuring an adequate number of vaccine doses is planned for and procured to include migrants in-country, and that delivery systems are fit-for-purpose;
  • Reducing the number of administrative hurdles for migrants to access health care and vaccines, including high costs and proof of residence or identity.
  • Actively reaching out to migrant communities through linguistically and culturally competent communication methods to build trust, inform and engage in programming;
  • Offering guarantees that vaccination will not lead to detention or deportation;
  • Strengthening health systems and setting up mobile vaccination mechanisms where needed to ensure last-mile distribution.

“Migrants play an enormous part in our socioeconomic development and collective well-being.  Despite this, many migrants have remained disproportionately exposed to excessive health risks through their living and working conditions and have continued to face tremendous challenges in accessing COVID-19 and other essential health services,” said Director General Vitorino.

"If we are not careful and deliberate about including migrants in vaccination plans, we will all pay a higher price.”

For more information, please contact:
IOM Geneva, Safa Msehli , Spokesperson and Communications Officer Tel: +41 79 403 5526. Email: 
Yasmina Guerda, Public Health Information Officer at IOM Headquarters,  +41 79 363 17 99,