
IOM collaborates with national authorities, UN and non-UN agencies in providing emergency humanitarian assistance to returnees, refugees and IDPs in Tissi, Chad, 10 June 2013

The continuing inter-communal fighting between the two ethnic groups of Misseria and Salamat in Darfur has caused the influx of more than 20,000 returnees, 30,000 refugees and yet to be counted internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Tissi.

Following the request of the Government of Chad, IOM conducted a joint assessment mission with UNHCR and ECHO from 17 to 22 April; set up an operational base and a transit centre; and deployed registration, operation and medical teams, humanitarian aid and vehicles in Tissi.

IOM collaborates with local authorities, UN and non-UN agencies in delivering humanitarian aid to the displaced persons. Its recent activities include:

  • assisting local authorities in delivering humanitarian aid from Turkey;
  • hosting OCHA in its operational base;
  • assisting UNHCR in transporting 3,016 Sudanese refugees from Am Doukoun to Abgadam Camp following instructions from Chadian authorities to relocate them due to security reasons;
  • providing WFP with registration data for food distribution. To date, 5171 families have received 10,342 bags of food.
  • providing ICRC and CRC with registration data on vulnerability for the distribution of NFI kits and transporting them to final destinations. To date, 2,000 ICRC kits were distributed in 15 locations with IOM assistance.
  • supplementing the ICRC distribution to vulnerable persons with the distribution of standard NFI kits to the rest of the displaced persons;
  • registration of returnees and facilitation of voluntary return to communities of origin. As of 31 May IOM registered 20,640 returnees and supported the voluntary return of 6,491 returnees to their communities of origin in 12 locations.

IOM’s Emergency Operations in Tissi are implemented thanks to funding from CERF. Additional funds, however, are urgently needed to provide emergency assistance to increasing numbers of displaced persons.


Dr. Qasim Sufi
Chief of Mission IOM Chad
Office: +235 22 52 53 59/60 (Ext 111)
Cel.: + 235 62 90 06 74
Fax: + 235 22 52 53 61