
IOM Co-Hosts Camp Management Training in Timor-Leste

IOM, supported by the Australian Agency for International
Development (AusAID), and in collaboration with the Norwegian
Refugee Council, will next week host a five-day training in camp
and collective centre management for government officials and aid
workers in the Timor-Leste capital Dili.

The workshop, which will run August 15th-19th, will train 33
participants to work as part of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee
(IASC) Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster –
the group of aid agencies working worldwide in camp management and
camp coordination following natural or human-induced disasters.

The training, which will target officials from the Ministries of
Social Solidarity, Justice, Health and Agriculture, the Secretariat
of State of Youth and Sports, the Policia Nasional de Timor-Leste
(PNTL), UN agencies and NGOs, will also help government officials
and experts to work together to identify sites and buildings at the
district-level that can be used as temporary collective centres in
the event of a disaster.

Participants will include focal points from the Ministry of
Social Solidarity and District Disaster Management Committees and
State Secretariat for Social Assistance and Natural Disasters from
all 13 Timor-Leste districts.

Delegates will be encouraged to contribute to the development of
strategic plans at national and district level for CCCM
coordination, contingency planning and the allocation of roles and
responsibilities countrywide.

The training will include practical camp management training at
the Dili Gymnasium, which is located next to the University of
Timor Lorosae and has been identified by the Ministry of Social
Solidarity as a temporary shelter, in the event of mass
displacement caused by natural or human-induced disasters.

IOM will start the refurbishment of one of the buildings at the
Gymnasium site in September to bring it up to international
standards for alternative use as a temporary collective centre.

Timor-Leste has experienced mass displacement twice in the past
12 years. Most recently, in 2006, following civil unrest, some
150,000 people had to flee their homes in Dili to seek protection
in 65 camps around the city.

The CCCM Cluster, which is co-led by IOM globally, designs and
conducts comprehensive disaster preparedness training

For more information, please contact:

Sandra Romero Ruiz

IOM Dili

Tel: +670 724 7072

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