
IOM Chad hands over the Germany-funded Socio-economic Reintegration Project for the Libyan Returnees in Chad to project beneficiaries, N’Djamena, 25 May 2013

The sudden return of hundred thousands of Chadian migrants who were sending remittances to their communities of origin has affected the country both socially and economically.

At the request of the Chadian Government, IOM with the financial support of the Federal Republic of Germany has implemented a socio-economic reintegration project for Libyan returnees in N’Djamena, Kanem, Bahr El Ghazal regions and Faya.

The main objective of the year-long project is to assist the social reintegration of Chadian returnees in their communities of origin with the aim of increasing social cohesion, interaction, solidarity, dialogue and reducing gaps between returnees and host communities, through the improvement of local socio-economic infrastructure for the project beneficiaries.

Two hundred fifty thousand returnees and members of the host communities have benefited from different socio-economic projects that have been selected by the returnees and host communities themselves with the total budget of 1 million Euros.

IOM and project beneficiaries represented by their respective district delegates signed “deeds of donation” marking IOM’s relinquishment of all legal rights, titles and interest in the equipment and materials as requested by the community and acknowledgement that these must be used for the benefit of the entire community.

The ceremony was attended by the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Interior and Public Security, H.E. Mr. Mahamat Adji Ngoua; the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, H.E. Mr. Helmut Kulitz; IOM Chad Chief of Mission, Dr. Qasim Sufi; members of the humanitarian community, and beneficiaries.

The event was organized by the Ministry of Interior and Public Security; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and African Integration; the Ministry of Social Affairs, Family and National Solidarity;

the Ministry of Hydraulic in Urban and Rural Areas; the Governor, Mayor and District Delegates of N’Djamena; the Office of the National Commission for Refugees and Returnees (CNARR); and IOM.

The ceremony was covered by national television and radio.


Dr. Qasim Sufi
Chief of Mission, IOM Chad
Office: +235 22 52 53 59 to 60, ext. 111
Mobile: +235 62 90 06 74
Fax: +235 22 52 53 61

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Agenda 106.19 KB
Invitation 101.18 KB