
IOM Burkina Faso Hosts Workshop on Returnee Readmission, Reintegration

Burkina Faso - A capacity building workshop on readmission procedures for Burkinabe returnees was held from 4-6 October 2016 at Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Burkinabe Abroad (MFACBA).

Burkina Faso has traditionally seen strong migration flows and, according to the Ministry of Social Action, now hosts some 1,200 migrants returned from Europe and Africa, most of whom have benefited from IOM Voluntary Assisted Return and Reintegration programmes.

The workshop follows a request for technical assistance from the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Permanent Burkinabe Abroad to the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) and European Union Action programme.

The 35 participants came from the MFACBA, Border Police, National Institute of Statistics and Demography, Directorate of Economy and Planning, the High Council of Burkinabe Abroad, Burkinabe Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation, the private sector and civil society organizations.

Participants were trained on international migrant law, readmission concepts, procedures and systems implemented at local level for the reception, reintegration and the reinsertion of returnees.

They were also asked to make concrete proposals on what they considered critical components in providing support to returnees. Their proposals will serve as potential blueprints for Burkina Faso’s readmission policies at a local level.

The workshop was organized by IOM under the ACP-EU Action Programme, which is funded by the 10th European Development Fund (EDF), with the support the ACP Secretariat and the European Commission.

For further information please contact Cindy Nouria Zongo at IOM Burkina Faso, Tel: +226 67711366 or Email: