
IOM Builds Ghana’s Ebola Preparedness

Ghana - IOM has organized 16 two-day training workshops aimed at building the capacity of more than 700 officials from Port Health and Ghana Immigration and Customs to combat the spread of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) at eight selected points of entry (PoEs) in the country.

The training included presentations on the impact of EVD, surveillance for EVD and the Recognize, Isolate, Notify and Give Support (RING) Approach, EVD Preparedness and Response at PoEs, Infection Prevention and Control at PoEs, and EVD Standard Operating Procedures.

The average knowledge score registered by participants before the training was around 22 per cent; post-training average score rose to over 66 per cent, with 32 per cent of participants registering scores of 80 per cent or above, showing a significant increase in the trainees’ knowledge of EVD surveillance, prevention and control.

IOM staff later donated personal protective equipment, non-contact thermometers and hygiene equipment to the Ghana Immigration Service at the Aflao border.

IOM’s activities were made possible through the support of donors including the Government of Japan and government partners, including the Ghana Health Service, Ghana Immigration Service and Ghana Revenue Authority.

Read more about it here:

For further information, please contact Papa Kwaw Mensah at IOM Ghana, Tel: +233 302 742 930, Email: