
IOM Boosts Human Trafficking Awareness

IOM today launched a campaign to raise awareness of human
trafficking in Tanzania under the slogan: "Let's Fight Trafficking
in Persons".

The campaign is part of IOM’s counter trafficking
programme in Tanzania, which is funded by the US President’s
counter trafficking initiative through the US State
Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration

The campaign will include awareness training for journalists,
production of TV and radio programmes, distribution of information
kits to media, placing of features in newspapers, TV and radio, and
distribution of information and educational materials including
posters, brochures, car stickers, tee shirts and caps to targeted

TV and radio programmes produced by IOM will be broadcast on
national channels containing information about trafficking in
Tanzania, interviews with officials involved in the government
response to the problem and NGOs providing victim assistance.

As many of the victims of trafficking are moved by public
transport, IOM will also aim to create awareness among drivers and
owners of vehicles by distributing car stickers to buses, minibuses
and trucks.

Posters, tee shirts, caps and brochures will also be distributed
widely in six regions identified as source and destination areas -
namely Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Mwanza, Arusha, Iringa and

For more information please contact:

Tal Raviv

Email: ""> 

Rose Ogola

Email: "">