
IOM Boosts Capacity of Tanzanian Immigration Officials to Train Colleagues

Moshi – IOM’s African Capacity Building Centre (IOM ACBC) in coordination with the Tanzania Regional Immigration Training Academy (TRITA), conducted a two-week training on curriculum development for Tanzanian Immigration Officials in Moshi from 5 to 19 November 2018.

The training, which gathered 25 participants from different regions in the country, sought to strengthen the expertise of trainers from the Immigration Department on the development of training curriculum and material. Experts from the Tanzanian National Council for Technical Education (NACTE), which is the national agency that oversees and coordinates the provision of technical education and curriculum development, provided technical support on the subject.

Topics addressed during the two-week training period covered, amongst others, curriculum development procedures and processes such as situational and operational analysis, learning assessment methods and training skills with the aim of developing skilled trainers and ensure sustainable training programs. 

IOM ACBC Senior Migration Management Specialist, Marcellino Ramkishun stated that “with the advancement of technology and ever-changing migration trends, a training institution that offers an innovative curriculum that meets the aspirations and interests of trainees is a key foundation for a strong training institution such as TRITA.”

IOM Chief of Mission in Tanzania, Dr Qasim Sufi attended the closing event together with Hans Christiaan Faber, the Deputy Director General, of the Netherlands’ Ministry of Justice and Security, Repatriation and Departure Services and Jan Willem Konig, Advisor to the Minister of Justice and Security, Repatriation and Departure Services.

Dr Sufi thanked the Government of the Netherlands for supporting the training, adding that “This first training of its kind will for sure boost the knowledge and capacity of immigration officers to develop their knowledge and skills as trainers in TRITA.”

The key expected outcome of this training is that the participants will become qualified trainers who will conduct and develop training for the Tanzanian Immigration Department.

The training was held under the auspices of the project Enhancing Migration Management in African States through Training and Capacity Building on Integrated Border Management and Countering Irregular Migration, funded by the Government of the Netherlands through the Repatriation and Departure Services. 

For more information, please contact the African Capacity Building Centre: Marcellino Ramkishun, Mobile: +255 769954181, Email:; or Pamela Kyando, Mobile: +255 686950768, Email :