
IOM Boat Returns from Misrata After Mission to Evacuate Migrants and to Assess Humanitarian Needs in City Ends

An IOM-chartered boat due to arrive in the eastern Libyan city of
Benghazi on Monday afternoon has evacuated 726 migrants as well as
wounded civilians from Misrata.

The mission, the seventh such carried out by IOM since
mid-April, was aimed primarily at rescuing a remaining group of
migrants stranded in Misrata since the conflict in Libya began in
February and to gauge immediate humanitarian needs in the port

Those rescued this weekend include 566 Nigeriens in
addition to migrants from Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Pakistan, Egypt,
Bangladesh, Tunisia and seven Palestinians.

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The IOM-chartered boat arrived in Misrata on Saturday afternoon
bringing with it humanitarian aid. This included 280 tons of food
aid, of which 150 tons comprised wheat flour from the World Food
Programme (WFP) and just over 130 tons of vegetables and mixed food

Also on board were a field hospital provided by LibAid with the
capacity to treat 50 casualties, medical and oxygen supplies as
well as two generators.

A volunteer medical team from Benghazi hospital and the
International Medical Corps (IMC) are providing care and treatment
for the wounded civilians on board, all accompanied by one family
member each.

The IOM mission to Misrata also allowed for the deployment of an
inter-agency assessment team comprising ACTED, IOM, IMC, InterNews,
Mercy Corps, the World Health Organization and others to carry out
an initial assessment of humanitarian needs in Misrata.

The findings of the initial assessment will enable humanitarian
agencies to get a broad overview of the situation in the city and
help in the planning of a response to immediate and mid-term needs
of the people there.

Funded by Britain's Department for International Development
(DFID), the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil
Protection Office (ECHO), the US State Department's Bureau of
Population, Refugees and Migration, Australia, Germany and Ireland,
the seven IOM missions to Misrata have rescued nearly 7,000
migrants, wounded civilians and their families since mid-April in
addition to having carried nearly 2,100 tons of essential
humanitarian aid into the city.

For further information, please contact:

Jemini Pandya

IOM Geneva

Tel: + 41 22 717 9486

       + 41 79 217 3374

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Jumbe Omari Jumbe

Tel: + 41 22 717 9405

       + 41 79 812 7734

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